Saturday 26 July 2014

Kitchen an Epicenter of Love

Where love rules the head and the heart or both so does the focal centers of our tummy revolve round the one important perhaps the most essential living areas of life. You have guessed it correct it, as much as it is netting the ball in the net in Lacrosse, as it’s about catering to the center of our lives. It’s about selecting the right hue and color where that center will come to life.

Yes this is the center of our living though we may not realize it’s invariably the place where our food is  cooked. Our Kitchen!!!  The amount that we spend eating in a lifetime is proportionate to the amount of time that we spend cooking.

For the very center of our breath, health and the anatomical and the astral body plane, we need to breathe clean air (the exhaust fans, and sound chimneys do help). And view pleasant ambience when surrounded, if we are to feel contended and happy while preparing food. With Flowers which look lovely in the kitchen.

We love our lives, we love the ones who love us and we also have favorites, favorite grandmother, who inexorable feeds us, again the kitchen angle and our favorite aunt or uncle.  We spend invariably a significant part of our life inviting them, holding dinners, lunches, preparing the most important part of meal breakfast and what not.

Where is the time we wonder to look back and introspect about our cooking places on earth! It is taking these aspects into consideration that, of the most suitable of all, maximum attention be paid to the paint and decor of the Holy Grill the Kitchen, apart from planning out the microwave, the food mixer, and juicer.

For a complete Kitchen look, turquoise or whites look good.  It is necessary that the color should not be too dark, that is to say avoid very dark colors. Bright walls with scrub able finish have become easier to endure by easily keeping it clean with soap and water.  What looks good in our kitchen is a sense of humor, kitchen plants and supreme paints that add joie de verve and tasty aroma to our cooking produce. Tiles with fruit images, paint in red, blue, chair and horizontal cabinets look great and productive.

A small fountain in steel and stones in blue, green can look wonderful and change the whole atmosphere. The water can become more charged with added subtle beauty and grace. The lights look great when suspended from top in orange. These look marvelous and so do the bamboo chairs and stools coated with laquerware.

The kitchen painter is a good idea to work in collaboration. Vancouver has some admirable sights, getting inspired is all it takes to add.  It is important that the gas or cooking range be at proper position which is usually in the center of the kitchen and the sink at the opposite end.

Kitchens look good when the area at hand is large however smaller kitchens can look good with intelligent spacing and use of gadgets. The gallery can be used to put cookery books and the plug point indicates that the space can be doubled as working space.  So enjoy those mellifluous flowers and good music with some great food. After all we took longer to prepare for a Happy Feast since we fell in love with our Kitchen warranting it with extra time.

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